Work in Marmaris
Work in Marmaris. Marmaris is probably one of the safest places in Europe, most of the people speak English and there are many foreign residents in this area. It is guaranteed you will be safe here on your own, renting an apartment and working. If you are planning to work in Marmaris, we believe you will be making sufficient money to live on. Monthly personal spending can be minimum of 150-200 GBP. The rent of an apartment will probably be the major cost of living here. Most of the places are expensive, and the landlords are usually asking a cash deposit of the rental money for 6 months ahead.
We have asked around, and here is the information:
A one bedroom, small sitting room with open plan kitchenette and bathroom would cost approximately $200-250 a month but would have to be rented for the whole 6 month season to fix that rate. Shorter term rentals would be very difficult to find in the high season and would then be priced at full seasonal rates – probably going up three or fourfold. A two bedroom apartment for the season will cost approximately $275-300 per month, six months payable in advance. Within the next few weeks all available furnished seasonal rentals will be taken as all the `reps` who work for the tourism agencies are coming to Turkey and will be accommodated.
Most property and real estate agencies charge up to 15% of the total amount for their services.