When is the nationwide earthquake drill in Turkey?
In order to promote emergency preparedness and response the Government of Türkiye has announced that the first nationwide earthquake drill is planned.
Participation is strongly recommended throughout Türkiye. Sirens will sound across the country and announcements will be made on Turkish TV and radio channels, just like it would be in the event of an actual earthquake.
An earthquake ‘duck – cover – hold’ drill will take place all over the country on Saturday 12th November at 18:57 local time.
Here’s what you will be asked to do on an earthquake drill or in the event of earthquake:
DUCK under a stable piece of furniture like a desk or a table,
COVER – stay under cover and protect your head with your arms,
HOLD onto the cover – a desk or a table, that you are under and if it moves, move with it
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Official Source: Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency Afad.gov.tr
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