Marmarisinfo News

Marmaris Village Market News

Marmaris Village Market news

Marmaris village markets Marmaris village markets

No need to travel to natural products expos or food festivals as Marmaris village markets are a firm favourite among the local community as well as the foreigners and holiday makers. In the past Marmaris was all about agriculture and fruit gardens. Local families used to grow vegetables and fruits, to sell these at Mugla market. This was the main income for Marmaris communities only a few decades ago, before tourism spread out. It is still important to grow more of our own food here in Marmaris and nearby villages. Sadly the agricultural lands gave way to residential and tourist buildings. Yet the soil is still very good and some of the fruit gardens are still around.

This time you will come across persimmons (hurma in Turkish) widely available and very cheap at village markets. Persimmon trees grow easily in the south of Turkey and harvested from October to December in the Mediterranean region. This is a very tasty fruit rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron – a great remedy and health benefits.
Another healthy fruit that is at the peak of its season is pomegranate at about 2 Turkish lira per kilo. You are offered to taste at many stalls that keep one or two pomegranates cut and ready to try. There are sweet and sour pomegranates so be sure to try one.

Lemons, mandarins, green herbs, as well as a dozen type of olives, cheese, village eggs, yoghurt are permanent food items available at the village markets.

The village markets in Marmaris begin at around 8AM and continue until late afternoon. You need to be well equipped with a folding shopping cart (larger grocery bag on wheels) and some cash in hand. Villagers love metal money and coins, as it buys them bread on the way back.
More information about the village markets is available on the site