Instagram closure in Marmaris Should I cancel my holiday? – a question that must have been haunting you for the past week. We are aware that Instagram is an important part of many people’s lives and one of the essential tools on holiday. Not only people share more photos and reels on holidays but also they are finding the best spots, tours, hotels, travel services on Instagram thanks to other users. With the recent Instagram closure in Turkey this may be a matter to discuss before you go.
What happened to Instagram in Turkey? On Friday the 2nd of August 2024 Instagram was closed in Turkey. Many people in Turkey spent the weekend in waiting for an official statement about the closure. Yes, it is possible to connect and get around the closure but those methods require some technical knowledge and involve the risks of having your Instagram account hacked. On Monday the talks began and it really turned out to be an elevated issue concerning the government and crime that was involved on this social media platform.
To make a long story short the closure was an unexpected and fast decision with little or no information about its exact causes. It is not clear as to when the Instagram will be open in Turkey again. The Instagram closure in Turkey is discussed on the government level now and it could be open any time as soon as the parties come to an agreement.

Back in 2014 another social media platform Twitter was blocked in Turkey. The website was showing an announcement apparently from Turkey’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TIB). That statement cited four court rulings as a basis for blocking the site, the closures was due to illegal activities and politics on the social media platform back then.
The Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT; Turkish: Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu) who is the national public broadcaster of Turkey issued a statement on the 05th of August 2024 about the risks involved in VPN and DNS connections including but not limited to data theft, loss of email address access, hacked banking access and account details and your social media accounts… Turkish Radio and Television Corporation has reminded about a data leak last year, more than 360 million user data records were stolen from a popular free VPN service provider. The stolen data includes e-mail addresses, original IP addresses, geolocation records, websites visited, and many other data. The stolen user data was then offered for sale on relevant channels, especially on the dark web.
On August 7, 2024, Turkish authorities imposed a ban on Roblox (an online gaming platform), shortly after blocking access to Instagram.
UPDATE on INSTAGRAM BAN: Turkey has restored access to social media platform Instagram at 1830 GMT or 21:30 local time on Saturday the 10th of August 2024 after the company agreed to cooperate with authorities to address the government’s concerns, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkadir Uraloglu said.
We will keep you posted about the latest updates from Marmaris, Turkey.
Official Sources:
Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT; Turkish: Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu) :
Sanal maskelerin gerçek tehlikeleri: DNS ve VPN – Son Dakika Haberleri (
BTK gov tr (the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) (Turkish: Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu (BTK) remains an independent source of Marmaris information since 1997, solely owned by 4S Company.
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