Health and Safety in Marmaris
Health and Safety in Marmaris. There are 2 private and a state hospitals and many private clinics in Marmaris.
Emergency medical number
Dial 112 and ask for an ambulance. The operators speak foreign languages including English.
Use location and map applications on your mobile device to locate the nearest hospital. If you visit a private hospital, contact your insurance or medical assistance company promptly if you’re referred to a medical facility for treatment.
Medical facilities in Marmaris are up-to-date and equipped to cope with the majority of medical problems. There are no hospitals in Icmeler or Turunc; however, health clinics are available in these smaller resorts. There are multilingual doctors, opticians and dentists around the resorts open during weekly business hours. For emergency medical care, you may contact your hotel reception to request a free visit in your hotel room if your hotel is advertised to have free medical assistance or a nurse. Most 5 and 4 star hotels have a nurse in the hotel for emergencies or a free medical consultation service, blood pressure or body temperature checks. You can always check what type of medical assistance is available in any hotel with your tour operator before you book.
Smoking bans are compulsory at work, offices, public buildings, restaurants, etc.. The current government enforced laws and regulations on Turkish companies and public buildings are banning smoking as they are concerned for the health of their employees and want to create a healthier work environment. Most of these companies and public buildings have set aside areas where smoking is allowed. The Turkish Labor Law does not (yet) mention smoking specifically, however, does state emphatically that employees have the right to a healthy work environment with the least possible harmful influences.
Smoking bans apply in all public buildings owned by the national, provincial and local authorities. In buildings in which institutions, such as social cultural work, social assistance, health care, indoor sports and education departments, are located smoking is not allowed. It is allowed, however, to set aside separates rooms for smokers. A local saying goes like this: “Eat like a Turk, smoke like a Turk,” which roughly translates to “don’t expect anyone to comply with nonsmoking laws.” In theory, smoking is prohibited on public transportation, in movie theaters, in airports, and the like. But realizing the hardships of driving a bus, bus companies allow the drivers to smoke. This is a good time to work on tolerance, and remember to pack your eye drops and to sit upwind at outdoor cafes.
Liquor Laws
For a predominantly Muslim country, it might be surprising that alcohol is even sold in Turkey. The truth is, the drinking of alcohol is not an issue: some do, some don’t. Beer, wine, and spirits are readily available in restaurants, bars, and liquor stores, and theoretically you have to be at least 18 to purchase or consume them. Bars stay open until the people go home.
Sales of Liquor
To buy liquor you must be 18 years old. Alcoholic beverages are for sale at liquor stores and supermarkets.
Drinking and Driving
It is prohibited to drive if you are over the 0.5 blood alcohol level. Driving under the influence is a criminal offence and applies to driving a car and riding a motor bike, scooter, moped or bicycle. You risk a fine (between 0.54 – 1.7 blood alcohol level). If you are over 1.8 blood alcohol level your case will be taken to court. In addition to a fine, you may be temporarily banned from driving.
Hotel and Catering Industry
Bar tenders, liquor dealers and cashiers must ask youngsters whom they sell alcohol to for proof of age. After all, it is often difficult to estimate somebody’s age. If proof of age cannot be supplied, you may be refused alcohol. The proof of age can be a passport or a driving license. All inclusive hotels provide wristbands of different colour to younger guests who are not eligible to consume alcohol. Waiters and bar tenders in all inclusive hotels will check the wristband and will not serve alcohol to youngsters.
Climate change and the effect of El Nino has shifted the weather conditions in Marmaris and heatwaves have become the new norm. The summer of 2023 is believed to become the hottest summer in human history, according to the Climate Change and Policy Research Center Professor Dr. Levent Kurnaz of Bogazici University. Please read these latest articles ”Heatwave in Marmaris the Hottest Summer Records” and ‘‘How to stay cool in Marmaris’‘
Most accommodations and restaurants keep food hygiene standards to a required norm. However, in hot climate you should take more precautions and keep a good diet avoiding oily foods, drink bottled water, avoid dehydration.
Clearly, there are food hygiene risks when traveling to Turkey – firstly, because in hot climates there is a greater risk of food poisoning, and secondly, because levels of sanitation may not always be of a high standard. Consequently, it is not uncommon for travellers who travel to Turkey to suffer with Traveller’s Diarrhea.
Prevention of traveller’s diarrhea involves eating and drinking safely and paying attention to personal hygiene, especially hand washing after bowel movements and before eating. Food safety tips include:
1. Choose food which is freshly and thoroughly cooked, and served steaming hot
2. Eat fruit or veg that you can either peel or cut open yourself e.g. bananas, citrus fruits etc.
3. Treat milk and milk products, especially ice-cream with particular caution; make sure they are made with pasteurized (or boiled) milk
4. Do not use opened food or drink once they are longer cool to the touch
5. Drink canned or bottled drinks
6. Remember ice is only as safe as the water it is made from, and avoid brushing your teeth with contaminated water
7. Although many first-class hotels may have a high standard of sanitation and perhaps even safe water, the people working there and handling the food may not – consequently, our advice is to play safe and avoid foods such as salads and ice even if they appear to be okay.
8. Ice cream could be a good idea but be sure of its quality and storage conditions. If you are not sure about the refrigerating facilities stay away from ice cream. It’s a milk product and cold chain is critical to keeping it fresh.
9. Proper temperature control is essential to protecting the quality of food and sauces including ketchup and mayonnaise. Avoid using any sauces that were left aside on the table or appear to be warm or hot.
Although the persistence and tenaciousness of Turkish mosquitoes might cause you to suffer, it is unlikely that malaria will. Keep in mind that you’re more likely to catch deadly mosquito-borne diseases in your own backyard than abroad. Don’t forget to pack a proven insect repellent (especially for those nights camped out on the deck of the boat, private villas or camping)
Visitors from UK – Health & Safety
You should take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance to cover you while you’re away. For the latest health and safety information, visit www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/turkey/health