What is the minimum taxi fare in Marmaris 2024
The new year means new prices and taxi services are not an exception. The taxi fare in Marmaris has been increased by 51 %
All taxis in Marmaris and Turkey impose a minimum fare of 100 Turkish lira.
The fare that will appear on the meter before you start is now set to 10 TL.
The new taxi fare is;
Between | 0-5 KM | 30.00 TL | per 1 km |
Between | 6-15 KM | 27.00 TL | per 1 km |
Between | 16-30 KM | 23.00 TL | per 1 km |
Between | 31-50 KM | 21.00 TL | per 1 km |
Between | 51 KM and over | 20.00 TL | per 1 km |
Taxi fares in Marmaris are certainly expensive, and if you’re travelling alone then you’re probably better off catching a bus in the resort and out of it, when traveling to different places.
Taxis in Turkey all come equipped with meters so you can see how much you’re spending as you drive along. The driver might be able to give you a rough estimate of the price before you start your journey but you will not know the exact amount you’re paying until you reach your destination. The longer it takes, the higher the cost will be. Not long ago every taxi rank in Marmaris and İçmeler displayed a detailed price list, covering almost all destinations, but this summer the price lists went blank.
If you want a chauffeured private transfer to meet you at a certain time and place then you can pre-book one over the reputable agency website https://www.transfer-turkey.com/